Raging Battle


Raging Battle is de tweede set van 2009 en is uitgebracht op 12 mei. De set bevat 100 kaarten en introduceert archetype als ‘Koa’Ki Meiru’ en ‘Earthbound Immortal’. Daarnaast vind je ondersteuning voor de archetypen ‘Backwing’, ‘Ojama’ en ‘Morphronic’.

Raging Battle Cardlist

De Set Raging Battle bevat in totaal 100 kaarten en de Master-set 111 kaarten. De kaarten zijn verdeeld over de volgende zeldzaamheid:

  • 1x Ghost Rare.
  • 8x Secret Rare.
  • 10x Ultimate Rare.
  • 11x Ultra Rare.
  • 14x Super Rare.
  • 20x Rare.
  • 44x Common.
  • 4x Short Prints.
Set nummerNaamZeldzaamheidCategorie
RGBT-EN000BattlestormSecret RareEffect Monster
RGBT-EN001Rockstone WarriorSuper RareEffect Monster
RGBT-EN002Level WarriorSuper RareEffect Monster
RGBT-EN003Strong Wind DragonUltra Rare Ultimate RareEffect Monster
RGBT-EN004Dark VergerRareEffect Monster
RGBT-EN005Phoenixian SeedCommonEffect Monster
RGBT-EN006Phoenixian Cluster AmaryllisSuper RareEffect Monster
RGBT-EN007Rose TentaclesCommonEffect Monster
RGBT-EN008Hedge GuardCommonEffect Monster
RGBT-EN009Evil ThornCommonEffect Monster
RGBT-EN010Blackwing – Blizzard the Far NorthRareEffect Tuner monster
RGBT-EN011Blackwing – Shura the Blue FlameCommonEffect Monster
RGBT-EN012Blackwing – Kalut the Moon ShadowCommonEffect Monster
RGBT-EN013Blackwing – Elphin the RavenUltra Rare Ultimate RareEffect Monster
RGBT-EN014Morphtronic RemotenRareEffect Tuner monster
RGBT-EN015Morphtronic VideonCommonEffect Monster
RGBT-EN016Morphtronic ScopenCommonEffect Tuner monster
RGBT-EN017Gadget ArmsCommonFlip monster
RGBT-EN018TorapartRareEffect Tuner monster
RGBT-EN019Earthbound Immortal Aslla piscuUltra Rare Ultimate RareEffect Monster
RGBT-EN020Earthbound Immortal Ccapac ApuUltra Rare Ultimate RareEffect Monster
RGBT-EN021Koa’ki Meiru ValafarSuper RareEffect Monster
RGBT-EN022Koa’ki Meiru PowerhandSuper RareEffect Monster
RGBT-EN023Koa’ki Meiru GuardianCommonEffect Monster
RGBT-EN024Koa’ki Meiru DragoUltra Rare Ultimate RareEffect Monster
RGBT-EN025Koa’ki Meiru IceRareEffect Monster
RGBT-EN026Koa’ki Meiru DoomCommonEffect Monster
RGBT-EN027Brain GolemRareEffect Monster
RGBT-EN028Minoan CentaurCommonEffect Monster
RGBT-EN029Reinforced Human Psychic BorgSuper RareEffect Monster
RGBT-EN030Master GigCommonEffect Monster
RGBT-EN031Emissary from PandemoniumCommonEffect Tuner monster
RGBT-EN032Gigastone OmegaCommonEffect Monster
RGBT-EN033Alien DogCommonEffect Monster
RGBT-EN034Spined GillmanCommonEffect Monster
RGBT-EN035Deep Sea DivaRareEffect Tuner monster
RGBT-EN036Mermaid ArcherCommonEffect Monster
RGBT-EN037Lava DragonCommonEffect Monster
RGBT-EN038Vanguard of the DragonCommonEffect Monster
RGBT-EN039G.B. HunterShort PrintEffect Monster
RGBT-EN040Exploder DragonwingUltra Rare Ultimate RareEffect Synchro Monster
RGBT-EN041Blackwing Armed WingSuper RareEffect Synchro Monster
RGBT-EN042Power Tool DragonUltra Rare Ultimate Rare Ghost RareEffect Synchro Monster
RGBT-EN043Trident DragionUltra Rare Ultimate RareEffect Synchro Monster
RGBT-EN044Sea Dragon Lord GishilnodonSuper RareEffect Synchro Monster
RGBT-EN045One for OneRareNormal Spell Card
RGBT-EN046Mind TrustCommonNormal Spell Card
RGBT-EN047Thorn of MaliceCommonEquip Spell Card
RGBT-EN048Magic PlanterSuper RareNormal Spell Card
RGBT-EN049Wonder CloverCommonNormal Spell Card
RGBT-EN050Against the WindRareNormal Spell Card
RGBT-EN051Black WhirlwindCommonContinuous Spell Card
RGBT-EN052Junk BoxCommonNormal Spell Card
RGBT-EN053Double Tool C&DCommonEquip Spell Card
RGBT-EN054Morphtronic Repair UnitCommonEquip Spell Card
RGBT-EN055Iron Core of Koa’ki MeiruRareNormal Spell Card
RGBT-EN056Iron Core Immediate DisposalCommonNormal Spell Card
RGBT-EN057Urgent SynthesisCommonNormal Spell Card
RGBT-EN058Psychic PathCommonNormal Spell Card
RGBT-EN059Natural TuneCommonNormal Spell Card
RGBT-EN060Supremacy BerryShort PrintNormal Spell Card
RGBT-EN061Forbidden ChaliceUltra Rare Ultimate RareQuick-Play Spell Card
RGBT-EN062Calming MagicRareNormal Spell Card
RGBT-EN063Miracle LocusCommonNormal Trap Card
RGBT-EN064Crimson FireCommonCounter Trap Card
RGBT-EN065Tuner CaptureCommonNormal Trap Card
RGBT-EN066Overdoom LineCommonContinuous Trap Card
RGBT-EN067Wicked RebirthCommonContinuous Trap Card
RGBT-EN068Delta Crow – Anti ReverseSuper RareNormal Trap Card
RGBT-EN069Level RetunerCommonNormal Trap Card
RGBT-EN070Fake FeatherCommonNormal Trap Card
RGBT-EN071Trap StunCommonNormal Trap Card
RGBT-EN072Morphtronic BindCommonContinuous Trap Card
RGBT-EN073Reckoned PowerCommonNormal Trap Card
RGBT-EN074Automatic LaserCommonNormal Trap Card
RGBT-EN075Attack of the Cornered RatCommonContinuous Trap Card
RGBT-EN076Proof of PowerlessnessCommonNormal Trap Card
RGBT-EN077Bone Temple BlockShort PrintNormal Trap Card
RGBT-EN078Grave of the Super Ancient OrganismUltra Rare Ultimate RareContinuous Trap Card
RGBT-EN079Swallow FlipSuper RareCounter Trap Card
RGBT-EN080Mirror of OathsShort PrintNormal Trap Card
RGBT-EN081Koa’ki Meiru War ArmsSuper RareEffect Monster
RGBT-EN082Immortal RulerSecret RareEffect Monster
RGBT-EN083Hardened Armed DragonSecret RareEffect Monster
RGBT-EN084MojaRareEffect Monster
RGBT-EN085Beast StrikerSuper RareEffect Monster
RGBT-EN086King of the BeastsSecret RareEffect Monster
RGBT-EN087Swallow’s NestSuper RareQuick-Play Spell Card
RGBT-EN088OverwhelmSecret RareCounter Trap Card
RGBT-EN089BerserkingRareContinuous Trap Card
RGBT-EN090Spell of PainRareQuick-Play Spell Card
RGBT-EN091Light End DragonSecret RareEffect Synchro Monster
RGBT-EN092Chaos-End MasterSecret RareEffect Tuner monster
RGBT-EN093Sphere of ChaosSecret RareEffect Monster
RGBT-EN094Snowman EaterRareEffect Monster
RGBT-EN095Tree OtterRareEffect Monster
RGBT-EN096Ojama RedRareEffect Monster
RGBT-EN097Ojama BlueRareEffect Monster
RGBT-EN098Ojama CountryRareField Spell Card
RGBT-EN099Emperor SemRareEffect Monster
Raging battle Cardlist | Bron: Yugioh.fandom.com

Waarde Raging Battle Booster Pack

Voor de waarde van Yu-Gi-Oh! artikelen kijken wij naar Cardmarket of Ebay. Op het moment van schrijven staat er een Engelse Raging Battle Booster Pack te koop voor 17,99 Euro. Daarnaast vind je een Raging Battle Booster Box voor 999,95 Euro.

Yu-Gi-Oh! Booster Packs

In de afgelopen 25 jaar heeft Konami enorm veel Booster Packs uitgebracht. Wij brengen de volledige lijst met Yu-Gi-Oh! Booster Packs in kaart. Van elke set krijg je inzicht in de Cardlist en de waarde van een Booster Pack, zodat jij je verzameling volledig kan uitbreiden.

Vroeger groot fan van YuGiOh! en nu de hobby weer aan het herpakken. Schrijf graag artikelen over nieuws, personages en andere onderwerpen zodat ik zelf ook weer kennis krijg.

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