Ancient Sanctuary


Op 1 juni 2004 kwam de Yu-Gi-Oh! set Ancient Sanctuary uit. Dit is na Invasion of Chaos de tweede set uit 2004. De set bestaat uit een combinatie van twee Japanse sets, waaronder: Sanctuary in the Sky en Pharaoh’s Inheritance.

Fairy-type monsters

De set Ancient Sanctuary richt zich voornamelijk op Faire-type monsters. Hieronder vallen bijvoorbeeld The Agent monsters, die krachtige effecten hebben wanneer de kaart: The Sanctuary in the Sky in het spel is. In totaal bevat de set 112 kaarten, waaronder twee Secret Rare.

Ancient Sanctuary Cardlist

Card numberNameRarityCategory
AST-000“The End of Anubis”Secret RareEffect Monster
AST-001“Gogiga Gagagigo”Short PrintNormal Monster
AST-002“Warrior of Zera”Short PrintNormal Monster
AST-003“Sealmaster Meisei”RareNormal Monster
AST-004“Mystical Shine Ball”CommonNormal Monster
AST-005“Metal Armored Bug”CommonNormal Monster
AST-006“The Agent of Judgment – Saturn”Ultra RareEffect Monster
AST-007“The Agent of Wisdom – Mercury”RareEffect Monster
AST-008“The Agent of Creation – Venus”RareEffect Monster
AST-009“The Agent of Force – Mars”Super RareEffect Monster
AST-010“The Unhappy Girl”Short PrintEffect Monster
AST-011“Soul-Absorbing Bone Tower”RareEffect Monster
AST-012“The Kick Man”CommonEffect Monster
AST-013“Vampire Lady”CommonEffect Monster
AST-014“Stone Statue of the Aztecs”Super RareEffect Monster
AST-015“Rocket Jumper”CommonEffect Monster
AST-016“Avatar of The Pot”RareEffect Monster
AST-017“Legendary Jujitsu Master”CommonEffect Monster
AST-018“Gear Golem the Moving Fortress”Ultra RareEffect Monster
AST-019“KA-2 Des Scissors”Short PrintEffect Monster
AST-020“Needle Burrower”Super RareEffect Monster
AST-021“Sonic Jammer”CommonFlip monster
AST-022“Blowback Dragon”Ultra RareEffect Monster
AST-023“Zaborg the Thunder Monarch”Super RareEffect Monster
AST-024“Atomic Firefly”Short PrintEffect Monster
AST-025“Mermaid Knight”CommonEffect Monster
AST-026“Piranha Army”CommonEffect Monster
AST-027“Two Thousand Needles”CommonEffect Monster
AST-028“Disc Fighter”CommonEffect Monster
AST-029“Arcane Archer of the Forest”CommonEffect Monster
AST-030“Lady Ninja Yae”Short PrintEffect Monster
AST-031“Goblin King”CommonEffect Monster
AST-032“Solar Flare Dragon”CommonEffect Monster
AST-033“White Magician Pikeru”Short PrintEffect Monster
AST-034“Archlord Zerato”Ultra RareEffect Monster
AST-035“Opti-Camouflage Armor”Short PrintEquip Spell Card
AST-036“Mystik Wok”CommonQuick-Play Spell Card
AST-037“Enemy Controller”Ultra RareQuick-Play Spell Card
AST-038“Burst Stream of Destruction”Ultra RareNormal Spell Card
AST-039“Monster Gate”CommonNormal Spell Card
AST-040“Amplifier”Super RareEquip Spell Card
AST-041“Weapon Change”CommonContinuous Spell Card
AST-042“The Sanctuary in the Sky”Super RareField Spell Card
AST-043“Earthquake”CommonNormal Spell Card
AST-044“Talisman of Trap Sealing”RareContinuous Spell Card
AST-045“Goblin Thief”CommonNormal Spell Card
AST-046“Backfire”CommonContinuous Trap Card
AST-047“Micro Ray”CommonNormal Trap Card
AST-048“Light of Judgment”Short PrintNormal Trap Card
AST-049“Talisman of Spell Sealing”RareContinuous Trap Card
AST-050“Wall of Revealing Light”CommonContinuous Trap Card
AST-051“Solar Ray”CommonNormal Trap Card
AST-052“Ninjitsu Art of Transformation”CommonContinuous Trap Card
AST-053“Beckoning Light”CommonNormal Trap Card
AST-054“Draining Shield”RareNormal Trap Card
AST-055“Armor Break”Short PrintCounter Trap Card
AST-056“Gigobyte”Short PrintNormal Monster
AST-057“Mokey Mokey”Short PrintNormal Monster
AST-058“Kozaky”Short PrintNormal Monster
AST-059“Fiend Scorpion”CommonNormal Monster
AST-060“Pharaoh’s Servant”Short PrintNormal Monster
AST-061“Pharaonic Protector”Short PrintNormal Monster
AST-062“Spirit of the Pharaoh”Ultra RareEffect Monster
AST-063“Theban Nightmare”RareEffect Monster
AST-064“Aswan Apparition”CommonEffect Monster
AST-065“Protector of the Sanctuary”CommonEffect Monster
AST-066“Nubian Guard”CommonEffect Monster
AST-067“Legacy Hunter”Super RareEffect Monster
AST-068“Desertapir”Short PrintFlip monster
AST-069“Sand Gambler”CommonEffect Monster
AST-070“3-Hump Lacooda”CommonEffect Monster
AST-071“Ghost Knight of Jackal”Ultra RareEffect Monster
AST-072“Absorbing Kid from the Sky”CommonEffect Monster
AST-073“Elephant Statue of Blessing”Short PrintEffect Monster
AST-074“Elephant Statue of Disaster”Short PrintEffect Monster
AST-075“Spirit Caller”CommonFlip monster
AST-076“Emissary of the Afterlife”Super RareEffect Monster
AST-077“Grave Protector”RareEffect Monster
AST-078“Double Coston”RareEffect Monster
AST-079“Regenerating Mummy”CommonEffect Monster
AST-080“Night Assailant”CommonFlip monster
AST-081“Man-Thro’ Tro'”Short PrintEffect Monster
AST-082“King of the Swamp”RareEffect Monster
AST-083“Emissary of the Oasis”CommonEffect Monster
AST-084“Special Hurricane”RareNormal Spell Card
AST-085“Order to Charge”Short PrintQuick-Play Spell Card
AST-086“Sword of the Soul-Eater”CommonEquip Spell Card
AST-087“Dust Barrier”CommonContinuous Spell Card
AST-088“Soul Reversal”CommonQuick-Play Spell Card
AST-089“Spell Economics”RareContinuous Spell Card
AST-090“Blessings of the Nile”CommonContinuous Spell Card
AST-091”7″Short PrintContinuous Spell Card
AST-092“Level Limit – Area B”Short PrintContinuous Spell Card
AST-093“Enchanting Fitting Room”CommonNormal Spell Card
AST-094“The Law of the Normal”CommonNormal Spell Card
AST-095“Dark Magic Attack”Ultra RareNormal Spell Card
AST-096“Delta Attacker”CommonNormal Spell Card
AST-097“Thousand Energy”RareNormal Spell Card
AST-098“Triangle Power”RareNormal Spell Card
AST-099“The Third Sarcophagus”Short PrintContinuous Spell Card
AST-100“The Second Sarcophagus”Short PrintContinuous Spell Card
AST-101“The First Sarcophagus”Super RareContinuous Trap Card
AST-102“Dora of Fate”CommonNormal Trap Card
AST-103“Judgment of the Desert”CommonContinuous Trap Card
AST-104“Human-Wave Tactics”CommonContinuous Trap Card
AST-105“Curse of Anubis”Ultra RareNormal Trap Card
AST-106“Desert Sunlight”CommonNormal Trap Card
AST-107“Des Counterblow”Super RareContinuous Trap Card
AST-108“Labyrinth of Nightmare”CommonContinuous Trap Card
AST-109“Soul Resurrection”RareContinuous Trap Card
AST-110“Order to Smash”CommonNormal Trap Card
AST-111“Mazera DeVille”Secret RareEffect Monster
Ancient Sanctuary Cardlist | Bron:

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Sets uit 2004 Yu-Gi-Oh!

De set Ancient Sanctuary behoort tot een van de zes sets uit 2004. De andere sets uit het jaar 2004 zijn:

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